Gluten-Free Black Bean Enchiladas

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My husband was pretty excited about these gluten-free black bean enchiladas. It’s pretty encouraging when your husband says, “You should take a picture of the dinner you just made and blog about it.” Who am I to let a man down?

gluten-free black bean enchiladas made with Maseca corn flour

My Biggest Gluten Free Food Prep Hack

We love Latin American food in our home. And Indian food. And Middle Eastern food. Heck, let’s be honest, we just love food. However, the key to our Latin American themed meals rests on cooking with gluten free Maseca Corn Masa Flour.

Specifically tortillas. I know, they take a bit longer to prepare than opening a bag of pre-made ones. Trust me though, taking the extra time to make your own is SO worth it. Plus, squishing the masa dough in your tortilla press is a great stress reliever!

My Time Saving Tip

Want a time saving tip, though? I’ve started boiling my own black beans from scratch, letting them dry in the colander, and then freezing them in a gallon-sized plastic bag. This keeps an ample supply of black beans on hand, is cheaper than canned, and has no added sodium.

No chemicals and it doesn’t take up storage space in your cupboard. This trick makes this gluten-free black bean enchiladas recipe all the easier to prepare quickly. Plus, those black beans are great for adding to salads or on top of nachos, or simply eating as a fiber-filled snack.

Tomatilla Salsa

I originally found this recipe in a diet guide years ago. It originally called for tomatillo salsa, which I didn’t have at the time. Fast forward to the remaking of these gluten-free black bean enchiladas, and enter Winking Girl Foods, now owned by Tres Latin Foods.

I originally tried their Taco Skillet Sauce this past summer when it came in my American Gluten Free box. It was wonderful, and I raved about it on social media. As a thank you, they sent me a free box of some of their products. Lo and behold, it included a jar of tomatillo salsa! It made this dish really taste delicious.

Guilt is Not a Recipe Ingredient

Want to know something else about this dish? A serving of three gluten-free black bean enchiladas, with a side of green beans, contains ONLY 400 calories! So this dish allows you to cut back on calories without cutting back on flavor. Also please notice that I’m not calling these “skinny” enchiladas or “guilt-free.”

Those terms carry connotations that often lead to shame or self condemnation. We’ll have none of that around here. Us women have far too long fought the idea that our value and beauty lies in our appearance. (Or at least, I hope I’m not the only one that feels this way.) So enjoy these knowing they are full of fiber and healthy fats that will leave you satiated and pleased with every bite. No judgement here.

What’s your favorite lower calorie dish? What swaps do you make in your meals to “up” the nutritional level? Leave me a hint or even a link to a recipe below!

Gluten-Free Black Bean Enchiladas


  • 6 tortilla s – corn
  • 1 cup s beans – black (cooked)
  • 1/2 onion s – medium
  • 1 oz spinach leaves – fresh
  • 1 cup s salsa – tomatillo
  • 4 oz cheese – mozzarella light, grated
  • 4 tbsp s cream – sour (light)


  • Preheat oven to 350 F. Dice onion (and any other preferred vegetables such as bell peppers) and sauté in a medium pan over medium heat. Cook until onions are translucent. Add black beans and spinach. Cook until beans are heated and spinach is wilted.
  • Spread a thin layer of tomatillo sauce on the bottom of the pan. 
  • Fill corn tortillas with black bean and vegetable mixture, approximately one half cup. Roll to enclose, and place in a casserole dish, seam side down. **Note- it is important to do this with WARM tortillas. Otherwise they will break as you try to fill and roll the enchiladas. 
  • Top with additional tomatillo salsa and shredded mozzarella cheese. Bake at 350 degrees until the cheese is melted, approximatly 10 minuets. Garnish with sour cream.
  • Tip: 4 oz. shredded part skim mozzarella cheese is 1 Cup.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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