Christmas and the Runaway Sheep

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Often, it is the darkest of times that help us appreciate the light. When disaster brings people together, and kindness shines through. For me, that summarizes the Christmas of 2013, and it may have been my most favorite, to date.

Michigan Christmas 2013 Ice Storm
Image from

The Ice Storm of 2013

Some years, winter weather is simply remembered by the date. For instance, the Blizzard of 1978, nine months before I was born. In my lifetime, it was the ice storm of 2013. What started as rain December 19th, turned into a massice ice storm that cut power to hundreds of thousands of people across Michigan. Luckliy, living near a hospital, our power was restored within 24 hours.

Which allowed us to provide shelter to those without heat. I still remember my surprise as my dad told me that he and his wife were on their way to our house. It ended up being the most memorable Christmas though. We had a quiet night that evening, unwrapping gifts, drinking hot tea, and enjoying each other’s company.

It took over a week for power to be restored in Lansing to my dad, aunt and grandmother. Utility trucks were called in from around the country to help with the restoration efforts. It was definitely a Christmas to remember.

Flint Michigan 2013 Christmas Runaway Sheep
Image from MLive

The Runaway Sheep

The Ice Storm, and lack of power, canceled the first night of our Living Nativity, on December 22nd. However, we were able to continue on December 23rd and 24th. After the last performance on Christmas Eve, the live animals were being loaded up to return to the farm. However, one of the sheep had other plans, and made a break for it.

It was all over the news. Sightings at the nearby golf course, and the cemetary, made for much amusement. Our Local Flint Journal, wrote this hilarious MLive article. Meanwhile, the care and collaboration warmed the hearts of so many. Experts and friends finally corralled and captured the sheep, and returned her home. The whole issue was honestly a welcome bit of levity considering most people didn’t have power.

gluten free ambrosia

The Christmas Dinner that Almost Wasn’t

Prior to ice storms and power outages, I had agreed to bring fruit for our Sunday School breakfast. This traditionally happens the Sunday before Christmas. (This was cancelled due to a lack of power.) I had also agreed to make dessert for Christmas day at my aunt’s house, and had settled on a trifle. (Also cancelled due to a lack of power.)

Therefore, we moved the festivities to our house. We roasted a turkey, prepared my father’s famous meatballs, and enjoyed Ambrosia, an Irish Cream chocolate trifle, and each other’s company. The kids played games. Adults spent time talking. The chaos around the state from lack of power, was forgotten for a time. To date, it’s been my favorite Christmas, ever. 

What was your most memorable Christmas? Do you have stories about a year that had unusual circumstances? Leave me a note in the comments!


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