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Wishing You Were in Paris?
The Olympic Opening Ceremony is today.

While most of us won`t be in France to enjoy the Olympics in person, we can celebrate with a slice of this easy to make French Apple Cake.

Loaded with fresh apples, this simple cake requires less than a cup of flour. You can serve it with ice cream, or with a simple dusting of powdered sugar.

I feel like this review sums up what`s great about this recipe.
"This was the first gluten free baked good I made after my son was diagnosed last year. It was the moment I was like “OK, I got this. We’re OK.” Thank you!"

Comment FRENCH APPLE and I`ll DM you the link

I Know People
If there`s anything I`ve learned in my 20+ years of living with Celiac Disease, and 10+ years of being a blogger/ advocate, it`s that it takes a village. I would not be where I am today without the support of others bloggers.

And it`s impossible for me to know the answers to all the questions.
We all benefit when we`re willing to reach out and work with one another.
And I`m more than happy to share content from other people I trust when it means that the whole of the Celiac Disease community "wins."

So I`ve compiled a blog post that highlights different bloggers from almost every state in the US. I share their favorite GF eateries in their respective states.

But I also include links to their websites and their social media channels. So you can connect with them as well.

Comment USA and I`ll DM you the link.

Test result for Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Almost Everything Bagels from Moms Across America Possibly False Positive.

Gluten Free Watchdog tested Trader Joe’s Almost Everything Bagels due to consumer concerns over the results of testing commissioned by the group Moms Across America.

This is a complex and long test report summary. Please bear with us as we try to explain the discrepancy between the Moms Across America test results and Gluten Free Watchdog test results. This information is also posted on Gluten Free Watchdog under the news tab.

Bottom line: The test result from Moms Across America for Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Almost Everything Bagels may be a false positive, especially if the lab did not use extra protein to prevent non-specific binding (please see explanation below).

As a reminder, the lab used by MAA tested the bagels with the G12 ELISA from Romer Labs. The bagels reportedly tested at 269.8 parts per million of gluten.

Final testing done through Gluten Free Watchdog using the R5 ELISA and the G12 ELISA was below the lower limit of quantification (< 5 parts per million of gluten or < 4 parts per million of gluten depending on the assay used).

(More technical info on testing in the comments)

Something for all of us to keep in mind:
Testing food for gluten is complicated. It is often not straight forward. Results must be scrutinized. When test results don’t make sense (and everyone involved in testing food for gluten has been there), there is likely a reason. The key is to try to figure it out—why are there discrepancies in test results? Sometimes we never figure it out but sometimes we do. And this is how we learn.

Comment TJ BAGEL and Margaret will send you the link to the whole report

Comment SUBSCRIBE and Margaret will DM you the link to subscribe to GF Watchdog, which couldn`t do this testing and research without consumer support.

It`s Blueberry Season.
And the perfect time to make homemade hand pies.
While my recipe offers a recipe for homemade jam, you could use store bought jam. But I`ll tell ya, there`s nothing more delicious than homemade blueberry jam.
And if you`ve never picked berries straight from the bush, you need to add it to your bucket list.

Comment HAND PIE and I`ll DM you the link

This time of year, you`ll start to see posts in GF Facebook group looking for homes for gluten free Foreign Exchange students.

Many years ago we housed a foreign exchange student from Finland. This blog post includes all the questions I wish I would have thought to ask. And then some.

For this post I interviewed my good friend Karen Rohwer Joseph, who has been working with Asse USA for 7 years, helping students find host families.

Comment EXCHANGE and I`ll DM you the link

Have additional questions after reading? Feel free to leave them in the comments section here on FB, or in the comments section of my blog post.

Karen is currently looking for a home for a young man with Celiac Disease from the Czech Republic. I shared about him in my newsletter that went out this morning. If you`d be interested in hosting, let me know and I`ll get you in touch with Karen.

Link to this week`s newsletter -

Happy National Ice Cream Day
Celebrate by stopping at one of these great ice cream parlors, across the state of Michigan.

Q: Where`s your favorite place to get ice cream or Dole Whip?

I Made a Decision Nine Years Ago

I left the “comfort” of a regular (toxic) job and decided to focus more on my blog. 

It was one of the scariest decisions I’ve ever made. 

I still do social media work for a small business on the side, which pays a small stipend. I make a few bucks here and there with affiliate links. I recently introduced ads on my site, to help supplement my income. Caregiving for our parents has really increased our gas budget. That income helps a lot.

In truth, for most of these 9 years, we’ve mostly relied on my husband’s teaching income. I realize how blessed we are that my husband has a job that can provide for us in this way. Including health insurance. If we had kids, there’s no way we could live on one income, alone. 

Please know that for most of us, blogging isn`t a six (or even five) figure yearly income.

For me, what I do is mostly "ministry." My goal is to help people understand Celiac Disease, and learn how to safely eat a gluten free diet. I’ve always wanted to be a helper. 

Not just to those with Celiac Disease, but also to small businesses who cater to our needs. Everyone needs a cheerleader in their corner. 

I put a lot of hours into this. Individual blog posts can literally take hours to write, especially if it’s an informational article that takes lots of research. Plus there’s the time it takes to take photos or create graphics. 

Some days I still wonder if I`ve made the right decision. We would have a lot more in savings if I had stayed working at a "regular" job. Maybe we’d be able to live in a nicer house in a safer neighborhood. 

In fact, some days I still think I should just stop blogging, and go back to a 9-5 job.

And then someone comments about how the advocacy I do has changed their life for the better. That they feel heard and seen. And I`m reminded how much value there is in that.

After 9 years, I think I can definitely say I’m happy in my happy place. Because it`s where we are, together  

P.S. Included are some rare photos of my husband. Because i literally couldn`t do this without him.

Pizza Without Tomatoes
I know that some of my followers can`t eat tomatoes. Please don`t let that stop you from enjoying pizza!

This easy to make Chicken Alfredo Pizza uses a white sauce as a base. Topped with chicken, bacon, spinach, and mozzarella cheese, it`s a delicious end to a busy week. I also use sauteed red peppers, but those can be left off if those give you issues.

Comment CHICKEN and I`ll DM you the link,

P.S. Perdue roasted chicken strips are on sale at Kroger right now. An 8 oz package usually costs $4.99, but is on sale for $2.99. And they`re certified gluten free. Find them in the refrigerated section.

My Dog Eats Gluten Free
In addition to my own Celiac Disease, my dog has food allergies.
No pork, beef, chicken or wheat. My husband can’t eat pork either.

So today we can all enjoy these delicious salmon sausages on my favorite Canyon Bakehouse Sub Rolls. (ad) These oat-free buns aren’t only gluten free - they’re also dairy, soy and nut free. (They do contain eggs.)

I prefer cooking my sausages and hot dogs in my air fryer. “Easy Dinner Ideas” recommends 400 degrees for 6 minutes. Then place your sausages in the bun, return to the air fryer, and cook for 2 more minutes, so your buns are warm and toasty.

Since this is fish, we’re topping them with some quick and easy homemade tartar sauce and thinly sliced pickled onions. (Note- never give dogs onion or garlic.)

You could also add top it with I remoulade and feta. The Meijer brand is labeled gluten free.

Q: How else would you top a salmon sausage?

@canyonglutenfree #GlutenFree #ShowUsYourDogs

Have you/ would you try salmon sausages?

There is so much misinformation in the gluten free space.
I`ve lived with Celiac Disease for over 20 years. I`ve been an advocate for over 10 years.

And much like any other niche on the internet, you need to vet the people you`re following. There are too many people willing to share faulty science, all the in the name of "posting first," and trying to get the most clicks.

Also, there are too many in the gluten free space (as in all niches) that frequently focus/ post on the negative of the disease. Know why? Because negativity = more clicks.

When you`re living with a chronic illness, it`s important to ask these things about those you follow.
1) Are they accurate? Do they tell the truth or are they clickbait?
2) What is there background? Are they a trained medical professional? If they claim to be a doctor, what are there certifications?
3) Do the people you follow encourage you and offer you hope that you can successfully live with this chronic disease?

I wrote a blog post on this topic. It includes a discussion of misinformation vs disinformation, primary vs secondary sources, and The Connection Between Social Media, Fear and Mental Health

A follow up from yesterday`s post on French Fries.

Are Culver`s French Fries Gluten Free?

So, the Culver`s Nutrition & Allergen Information allows customers to use a "lifestlye & allergen filter" to find menu items that fit your dietary needs. When you select "avoid gluten," the Crinkle Cut Fries are listed as gluten free.

HOWEVER, when one goes to their Ingredient Statement website, it specifically states the following for their Crinkle Cut Fries-

"Cross-contact occurs with other allergens, including gluten, during cooking."

Therefore I never recommend their fries to anyone who has to eat gluten free. In addition, the fries are NOT listed on their "Mindful Choices Around Gluten" menu.

Some of you may say that your location has a dedicated fryer. However, since every place can be different, I have to go with what the Culver`s corporate office states on their website.

If you`d like to learn more about the gluten free options at Culver`s, including the ingredients of their gluten free bun, comment CULVER and I`ll DM you the link.

It`s OK Not to Share
I`ve always been taught that I need to share.
And while I think there is great wisdom and kindness in sharing with others, I think we can fall into a situation where we begin to feel like we don`t deserve anything to ourselves. That saying "this is mine," is always selfish.

When I was younger, I babysat two kids. They had an older sister, who needed to eat gluten free. Because I also have Celiac Disease, I was intentional in buying some gluten free snacks just for her.

And the parent was going to force her to share what I bought with the younger siblings. I`m lucky I still kept my job, because I lost it, trying to explain to the parent how unfair that was. That the other two children can literally eat anything else in the house. That these treats were something safe, just for this kid who really needed it.

I`m sure you`re seeing the picture of cake below and wonder what on earth that has to do with sharing. Well, this recipe for Cake in a Mason Jar makes two small single-serving cakes.

If you`re one of those people who always felt that they had to share everything, I want you to know you can keep both of these mason jar cakes for yourself. You can share the second one if you want to.

But it`s ok if you don`t.
You`re allowed to have your own special treats.
You`re allowed to have your wants and needs respected.
You matter.

Comment CAKE and I`ll DM you the recipe link

We Can`t (yet) Just Take A Pill
It`s Chronic Disease Day. The CDC defines a chronic illness as "conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both."

There is (currently) no cure for Celiac Disease.
Right now, the only treatment is following a gluten free diet.
There is no FDA approved supplement or pill that will allow you to eat gluten.

So if some influencer or chiropractor or "wellness coach" tries to sell you a supplement to "heal" your Celiac Disease, distance yourself as far from them as you can.

There are many studies on various treatments taking place, some of which we can participate in. And progress can be slow, as Celiac Disease doesn`t get massive funding like some other Chronic Diseases.

In fact, “Celiac disease consistently received the lowest amount of NIH funding over the 5-year period, at approximately $3 million per year.” NIH has spent about $1.00 per American with Celiac per year, and that is way too little to move the needle. In addition, Celiac disease consistently received the lowest amount of NIH grants, at approximately eight grants per year.”

So for those of us who look forward to a pill we can take with meals, or a complete cure, we need to work together and participate in trials, and ask our congress people (and congressional candidates) to take Celiac Disease as seriously as we do, and help fund research.

For those who may be unfamilar with Celiac Disease, you can read more about what it is in my blog post -

Today Is National Cow Appreciation Day
Really, I think it should be dairy farmer appreciation day.

In my blog post I share some facts you may not know.
* DYK that cows don`t have top teeth?
* DYK that cows stop producing milk over 72 degrees?
* DYK that Michigan ranks 6th in the nation for milk production?

You`ll find this and more interesting facts in my blog post.

And one we don`t talk about often?
Farmers are 3.5x more likely to commit suicide
We need to remember to support those who feed us. <3

These Words Gripped Me
I just finished reading The Bookshop at Water`s End by Patti Callahan Henry @pattichenry

It`s a book about messy lives, broken relationships.
And attempts at redemption.

I feel some many of us can identify with these words.
We`re doing the best we can, with what we know at the time.

Doesn`t mean it`s always right.
Doesn`t mean we might not need to make amends

But maybe if we let go of some the guilt we carry, the way forward will be a lot easier.

Hopefully these words bring you the encouragement they brought me.

Margaret Clegg
MI Gluten Free Gal

There is a New Trader Joe`s in East Lansing
I stopped there yesterday. Everyone and their cousin must have gone, because the shelves were SPARSE.
They should have a truck delivery today to restock.

If you`ve never been to a Trader Joe`s, it`s a lot like Aldi. But contrary to popular thought, they`re not owned by the same company. (You can read more about that rivalry in my blog post.)

Click the link below to learn more about their policies on gluten free labeling.

Comment TRADER JOE and I`ll DM you the link

#TraderJoes #GlutenFree #GlutenFreeMichigan

It`s Blueberry Season!
Zucchini is also in season, which means right now is the perfect time to make this Blueberry Lemon Zucchini bread.

It`s bursting with flavor, and I guarantee everyone will love it. If you`ve made it before, woud you please consider leaving a review on my website?

Comment ZUCCHINI and I`ll DM you the link

#ZucchiniBread #Blueberry #GlutenFree

Did You Enjoy a S`mores Yesterday?
Today is National Graham Cracker Day, and if you haven`t enjoyed your first summer S`mores, you can use my gluten free graham cracker recipe to get in on the fun!

Comment GRAHAM and I`ll DM you the recipe

Link is also in my IG stories
