Celiac Disease Education for Medical Professionals

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If a genie granted me three wishes, one would be for all medical professionals to be adequately trained about Celiac Disease diagnosis and treatment. (I imagine one of the other wishes would include chocolate.) Therefore, I’m sharing a list of Celiac Disease Education resources for medical professionals.

celiac disease education for medical professionals pinterest

I’ve heard stories of people who felt like they were close to death because doctors wouldn’t run tests. Or stories of uneducated dietitians who told their patients to eat more wheat,. Furthermore, stories of doctors who told their client that they just needed to take an anti-depressant enrage me. My Facebook followers have shared similar stories. 

There are many ways that medical personnel can increase their Celiac Disease education and awareness. Some webinars require no cost, while others charge. Please consider sharing these links and information with your health professionals. I am listing them in the order of easiest to most involved.

Online Webinars & Classes

Free Training

Celiac Disease Education for doctors thru NASPGHAN webinar

This  online webinar from NASPGHAN is created by knowledgeable health professionals that I trust. Dr. Alessio Fasano is one of these health professionals, and his book “Gluten Freedom” is a must read for everyone IMO.  If I could afford it, I would give a copy of this book to every doctor in Genesee County.

“This [webinar] is designed for pediatric and adult gastroenterologists, primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, trainees, dietitians, and other health professionals who are involved in the care of patients with gluten related disorders.” This will take just over an hour and they also get continuing education credits.”

Biggest Investment Level –

Celiac Disease Education for medical professionals University of Chicago

The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center offers an extensive online Celiac Disease education online program for medical staff. Previously offered in person in Chicago, their preceptorship program is now completely available online. This center in Chicago is one of my most trusted hospitals doing research in the field today.

The online course costs $250 and can be accessed and completed at any time. As I update this post (5/2022),  the website states they offer this until April 2023.

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Specifically for Dietitians

BRAND NEW – The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics just released a new series titled Treating Gluten Related Disorders, for dietitians. Created with the help of dietitians like Tricia Thompson and Amy Keller, this series helps dietitians treat those with Celiac Disease in all life stages. **Get Reimbursed thru Schar and the Celiac Disease Foundation.

A free webinar on Today’s Dietitian discusses non – responsive Celiac Disease and difference between Celiac Disease, Wheat Allergy, and Non Celiac Wheat Sensitivity. It also explains how to advise patients to implement a gluten free diet after diagnosis.

Dietitians in Gastrointestinal Disorders – This group is a subset of the the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Dietitians who join the DIGID listserv have access to webinars and many more online resources.

Looking for a dietitian knowledgeable about Celiac Disease? Gluten Free Watchdog is willing to help you find one! 


celiac disease education resources for dentists

Specifically for Dentists

The Dental Academy of Continuing Education offers an online course to dentists and hygienists. The course, “Oral Complications of Celiac Disease, costs $39, and offers 3 CEU’s. As those with undiagnosed Celiac Disease often have dental defects, dentists sometimes help diagnose Celiac Disease as well. This webinar helps them spot the signs and hopefully refer them to a gastroenterologist. (Or at least quit blaming us for stained teeth!) 

The Canadian Dental Association also offers a free webinar titled, Managing Patients with Celiac Disease.

Specifically for Pharmacists

Stat Pearls offers an online course, for $28.50 for pharmacists. Click this link to participate. This course expires on December 31, 2023.

Training for Mental Health Professionals

As many of us know, there are often neurological manifestations of Celiac Disease. In addition, living with Celiac Disease can impact our mood, due to societal pressures. Children’s National Hospital offers a free Continuing Education training entited, Celiac Disease Psychosocial Health Program. In addition, the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center has a course on Neurological and Psychological Implications in Celiac Disease

Training for Dermatologists

Some patients with Celiac Disease present with a rash, called Dermatitis Herpetiformis. This is diagnosed via skin biopsy. While Dapsone can help treat the rash, patients must still maintain a gluten free diet. The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center offers a training specifically on Skin Manifestations for Celiac Disease. Stat Pearls offers a CE course for Nurse Practitioners, as well as an article about DH

Other Resources

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center offers a website called “Celiac Now.” While it answers many questions for those with Celiac Disease, the material is fantastic for educating doctors as well.

Dr. Schar Institute (yes, the same company that makes those delicious HoneyGrams) is a portal exclusively for medical professionals. Doctors can download informational material for themselves and patients, as well as learn about latest research.

Help Me Help Others

How? I’m asking you to share and ENCOURAGE your doctors and health professionals to review this information. We need our health care providers to know the FACTS about Celiac Disease.  Too many are treating patients based on assumptions or shared opinions. Or even worse, outdated information.

Do you visit a highly celiac disease educated doctor, dietitian or gastroenterologist? Please feel free to sing their praises below! 

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